The Company that affords me, doesn’t need me and the Company needs me, can’t afford me. One of my mentors BPL Narashiman has explained this phenomenon as “Executive Menopause”. This career block hits many professionals, especially between 7-14 years of their career.
When I look back, I also decided to become an entrepreneur exactly after worked for about 13 years for various companies. I am not saying, this will hit all professionals. But this career block hits many of the professionals. This phenomenon is not the problem, but accepting this will lead to a serious problem.
We need to be conscious of the fact that the new technology and rapid growth & adoption of innovation can rattle even the giants on a single stroke and size doesn’t matter. So the job guarantee and security would be a question in days to come.
Reasons for “Executive Menopause”
- This usually happens when the professionals acquire good experience in their career and does not want to be bound by the organisational rules and regulations. They would also tend to think that if I put the same effort on my own I can lead a better life with better work life balance.
- The technology and skills required by their jobs are moved up the ladder and he or she did not up grade themselves.
- Also many of the jobs are outsourced or automated due to cost advantage for the organisations.
- Some of the business divisions of large corporate may shut their operations due to loss out of stiff competition.
Challenge for the Executives – Need to act quickly
By this time many of them would be in the mid of the career with many financial commitments like Car loan, House Loan and Kids education etc., The executive need to realise that they are either hit by this or they are getting into this. There is nothing wrong in trying for a better or similar job opportunity. They need to act quickly before their personal life gets into a bigger mess. Any waiting will lead to mental stress and loss of personal confidence.
Solution – Be on my own.
I can share this with reasonable confidence that they need to do something on their own. The more they delay this process they make this situation more worse. They need move out of their comfort zone of “job security” and to gain the confidence to be on their own. They need to quickly tap their own contacts and tie-up with any small or medium enterprises as a business partner or a freelancer to deliver value and earn revenue.
Please share this for the benefit of many..